Costume performers for him include Lindsey Kraus and Lori Coulis. Yo Gabba Gabba Brobee Mascot Costume Yo Gabba Gabba Costumes by Janny Perez Paper Magic Plex Yo Gabba Gabba Toddler Yo Gabba Gabba on Twitter.
Like an older brother, he know how to solves problems that arise. He is portrayed as being intelligent, clear-spoken, well-educated with a clear attitude and the main leader of Gabba Land that often teaches lessons to his friends and is a father figure. His chest has a built-in speaker, and below that is a compartment which he uses in the show as a storage for various items, though it sometimes opens to reveal his inner workings as well. His arms and legs are a shiny silver metal, which is flexible, unlike the rest of his body. He has a cylindrical, flat head with a large red antenna on the top, (which in fact was supposed to be blue during the Pilot episode,) and additional antennas on both sides of his head. Plex is like a normal robot should look like, a bright yellow, cylindrical torso, and yellow, somewhat blocky hands and feet. He has no realm in particular, though he seems to have a 'docking station' between Foofa Land and Brobee. His hobbies are driving his car, beaming things, playing his keytar and stretching his arms. Plex is a magical yellow robot who is treated like a male, the oldest, and one of the main characters in Yo Gabba Gabba, being the first of DJ Lance's original creations before he goes through the main characters like Muno, Foofa, Brobee, and Toodee. Plex can even skateboard too! He's the band’s keyboardist, which fits him well with the keytar (a guitar and a piano mix). Plex is no stranger to learning how to drive a car, use his special ray to bring things into existence and transport living things, and stretch his arm super long to grab things from afar. He has no realm in particular, though he seems to have a "docking station" between Foofa Land and Brobee.

Plex is a magical yellow robot who is treated like a male, the oldest, and one of the main characters in Yo Gabba Gabba! Being the first in DJ Lance's original creations before he goes through the main characters like Muno, Foofa, Brobee, and Toodee. Hanging out with his friends, Dancing and Singing